Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Is Everyone Your Customer?

It is given that most of the people you know, which is your family, relatives, friends and neighbours, are not likely to buy or rent your company to render a particular service. Every new business owner should ask themselves this question ‘Is everyone my customer?’. The answer to this question will assist them to focus and channel their marketing / advertising campaigns to their customers. It is important for businesses to CLEARLY know who needs their services or products.

Experience has taught me that never focus on your family, relatives, friends and neighbours as your targeted market, unless they REALLY need your service / products. Even if they need your services, they may take advantage of the relationship you have with them and they will give you problems with payment. In most cases they will ask discounts and refuse to pay deposit, but still expect you to deliver quality service on time. It is better to avoid them and focus on your targeted market.

How do you find your customers?

Research! Research! and continuous Research will assist you in knowing who exactly needs your services / products and is willing to pay for them. As a business owner one needs to go out and find out where are your customers situated? Where do they work? Are they males or females? What type of publications do they read? Where do they hang around? Are they educated or not? These are some of the questions that a business owner may use in researching about his targeted customers. It is a fact that not everyone is your customer. For those who don’t have time to do research contact www.segakwengassociates.co.za this company specialises with research strategies that will assist your sales and marketing team to take your services / products to your customers and not assumed clients. At the end of a research, a client will get a research report.

A research report also plays a valuable role for your advertising and design consultants. It acts as a guide when designing your corporate identity, an advert and/or any marketing material. It is recommended to work with advertising consultants who will help you with the design of adverts and promotional materials that will put your services in front of your customers’ eyes. For advertising services that will make your customers want more from you and make your company stand out, visit www.limestudios.co.za and www.kreatif.co.za

Good luck and make your customers aware that you exist.

Thanks for reading; it is not a sin to be RICH!

To your success!!


Baleseng Tau

Success University Member

Ph. +2773 232 6865

Johannesburg, South Africa

E-mail. tau@taa.co.za

Websites. http://baleseng.successuniversity.com


Skype. basi.tau

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