Thursday, September 17, 2009

Develop your mind

As an aspiring speaker I had learned from the master of this craft that a better speaker always develops his mind and communication skills.

A good speaker develops his / her mind by continuously researching the field and industry he is interested in and together with the subject of his topics.

Aspiring speakers should find mentors and/coaches from those who have made it in the public speaking industry and also in the industry that a speaker will be speaking about, that is if it is internet marketing, the speaker will have to develop his knowledge about internet marketing.

I am developing my mind, and I am growing as an international public speaker. I have just joined Soweto Positive Speakers Toastmasters International Club. It is in this club where I Hone my public speaking skills. I will have my CC and CL and finally DTM.

Develop your mind and you will reap the rewards for the investment made. Put your hand deeper in your pocket, read books that will ensure that you will reach your goal efficiently. Associate yourself with people who believe in yourself.

See you in my audience,

Baleseng Tau
Visionary Entrepreneur, Public Speaker & Coach
+2773 232 6865


Begin with the end in mind

My imagination tells me to begin at the end, can I really begin at the end. Yes! You Can Basi. Because the journey will be easy, and you will know where you are going.

The light shining at the end will guide me to my beginning. The how is not so important, the most important thing is the end. it is preferably easy to know where you are going as it will drive you to plan your journey accordingly.

My daily motivating question is "How Would The Person I Would Like To Be Do The Things That I am About To do? This particular question deals with the how.

Baleseng Tau
Visionary Entrepreneur, Public Speaker & Coach
+2773 232 6865
