When I ask clients what they were taught about money from their parents the number one answer by a long way is “money doesn’t grow on trees” – funnily enough of course paper money does grow on trees but I guess none of us wanted to be that pedantic 5 year old and see our ice cream disappear ever further away!
The root of this comment and the limiting belief it installs is “you have to work hard for your money”.
Now to an extent that is true. Rarely, if ever, do riches come to you without some work. But the danger with this belief is that you may overlook ways to make money because they don’t satisfy your pre-programmed view of how money should be made.
“If it sounds too good to be true it probably is” is another quote often used.
You have to understand that times have changed. It is no longer necessary to spend 12 hours physically working hard down a pit to feed your family. The internet in particular has changed things. Now you can earn more money than most without working as hard as they do.
There are many opportunities now to make money by leveraging your efforts and using other people’s efforts to make you money.
But you have to overcome the belief that only hard work earns money, or you will never see these opportunities.
If that is unclear, or you have any questions about this, just reply to this eMail.
To your wealth and prosperity
Steve Williams
UK Wealth Coach
Katie Williams - 34 Cotswold Grove - Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom NG18 3HH
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