Tuesday, March 24, 2009

4 Important Components Of Analysing Your Site Visitors

4 Important Components of Analyzing Your Site Visitors

By: Luca Moretti

While many of your blog or site visitors may leave comments or send you emails that tell you more about them and what they are interested in, many will have a look around your site and click onward without leaving a trace of information about who they are and what they care about.

Traffic analysis allows you to get an idea of who your website visitors are so it is essential if you want to improve your online marketing efforts. When marketing either online or offline, it’s important to know who your target audience is. You can become a more effective online marketer by determining who your website visitors are and what makes them tick.

Just like in the offline world, online marketers must first determine what the desired end result is and then analyze the target audience so they can use the right buzz words, images, and angle to appeal to this audience and get them to complete the desired action. Even if your customer base and target audience are constantly shifting, it’s essential to get a rough idea of who they are in order to effectively market your products and services.

Here are 4 important components of analyzing your site traffic.

1. If you are already using a site traffic analysis tool like Google Analytics, there is already a breadth of information available to you about your site visitors. One important factor you should analyze is visitor location. By finding out where your visitors are typically located, you can create landing pages to target people in specific geographic areas.

2. Visitor loyalty, bounce rate, and time spent on site are valuable ways to measure how interesting and engaging the content on your website is for visitors. By knowing how much time people spend on your site and how often they visit, you can figure out how enthusiastic people are about your content and know what’s working and what isn’t.

3. Keywords and search terms that visitors are searching for on your website and on search engines that lead them to your website are important to take note of. Keywords and search terms reveal what your site visitors are looking for and what gaps you may be able to fill in the future. When you consistently find a particular keyword being searched for on your site, it’s practically guaranteed that the keyword topic would be successful if you used it to create new content on your site.

4. Take a look at all of the traffic sources that lead visitors to your website. This includes referral sites, bookmarks, ads, and search engines. This information will help you because then you can figure out what sources are bringing you the most traffic and what type of content people are reading that leads them to your site. Data about traffic sources also tells you where you could increase visibility for your site.

Analyze your site traffic with these factors in mind. Don’t just look at your statistics every once in a while but study them regularly so you can start to see the bigger picture. By applying what you learn from your traffic, you can vastly improve your online presence and offerings for visitors.

Author : Luca Moretti

To your success!!


Baleseng Tau

Success University Member

Ph. +2773 232 6865

Johannesburg, South Africa

E-mail. tau@taa.co.za

Websites. http://baleseng.successuniversity.com


Skype. basi.tau

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