Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Focusing On The Target Market

One of the definitive rules of marketing is to focus on the target market; get them in your sights and then BAM! You've got a mighty fine sale to put food on the table.

But many businesses would rather blanket the population with mass mailings, operating under the assumption that out of all the recipients, some of them have got to be part of their targeted prospects.

Don't assume anything! Increase your chances of reaching the right customers by executing targeted mailings, not mass smotherings.

One way to figure out who you should target and what message should be is to dig through your receipt files for names. Check all kinds of documents, including purchase orders and invoices.

With these documents you can determine who is likely to buy from you, where you are making the most money, and what product lines or types of business can be put on the back burner, or eliminated altogether.

After classifying which customers are and are not buying from you, tailor letters to fit each group of targeted prospects.

You will find that you can execute targeted mailings as often as mass mailings, and your response rate will almost definitely go up.

Tau and Associates is a consultancy firm that specialises with Advertising and Printing. Reach Tau and Associates at or +2773 232 6865

"You'll love how you save money using our proven secrets to guarantee results."

Baleseng Tau

tau & associates :: Advertising & Branding
Ph. +2773 232 6865
Johannesburg, South Africa

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